Super Nova!

super nova

So, you are probably wondering what super nova is. Well super nova is thee new formal way to dress up using dark colours and leather. This is really stylish and looks very classy. It is really easy to achieve this look, here is an example of an outfit I designed.


First of all you wear a dress like this one for £35.00 from River Island.


Then you add some shoes like these for £45.00 from River Island.


Then you can add a cluthch bag like this one for £30.00 from River Island.


Then you top it off with some jewellary like this necklace for £8.00 from River Island.

And then you have achieved the perfect super nova style!

Enjoy! 😀

Summer is nearly over!

Oh my, summer went quite fast this time! Autumn is here in about 2 weeks. I know some of you don’t live near Europe so your seasons are probably different!

But anyway I was just wondering if you guys are wondering what happened with Miley cyrus (she is a singer and use to be in Disney channel)




She use to be a great singer and she was really pretty… until this year when she decided to cut her hair and make her music videos inappropriate. Her latest single “We can’t stop” shocked people and she got less fans! I have also heard she threatened her dad and she is on drugs.



Another shocking news was that a young teenager Hannah Smith had sadly commit suicide because she got bullied. This was the girl who had a blog called dear diary which I had advertised on my blog quite recently.

For more details click here


And thats all from me

